Star Points

ENN has it's own rewards system called "Star Points"

Each member of ENN has the chance to earn Star Points with every story they complete. 

Star parts are divided into four categories:
1. Production - how you create your story
2. Creativity - what did you do to make your story interesting or stand out from others?
3. Community - how are you giving back to and ENN?
4. Completion - does your story have all the necessary elements to make it a good news story?

Each achievement listed below is worth a certain amount of points. The more difficult the achievement, the more points you collect! The more points you collect, the better chance you have of receiving... wait, that's a secret ;) You'll just have to wait to see!

Click here to see how many Star Points you have earned!
Find your name at the bottom of the spreadsheet (the tab)

Solo Star: Create a report by yourself (+3)
Fast Track: Create a video report by yourself in under two sessions (+5)
Double Dipping: Create an audio AND video report about the same story (+8)
 “No I in Team”: Create a report with a group of people in under two sessions (+7)
Dynamic Duo: Create a video report with a partner in under two sessions (+7)
Weekly Serial: Over three consecutive weeks, create three short weekly audio reports on the same topic (e.g. this week in Yearbook Club) (+7)
All sides of the story: Interview three people on the same topic and use all three interviews in your report (+5)
Collaborative Mega Report: With a team of 4 or more people, co-create an entire news segment, including 2 news reports that are sandwiched between introductions from news anchors (+20)

Angler: Shoot your news report using three different camera angles (+4)
Catch Phrase: Finish your news report with a catchy sign-off (+2)
Muted: Create a news report without speech or talking (you can use photos, videos, subtitles + text, etc. but no talking) – we must be able to understand your story! (+10)
Titan Title: Give your news story a catchy title (+2)
Panorama: Pan across the scene in your news story (+1) 
Zoom Zoom: Use the Zoom feature effectively (+1)
Walkabout: The reporter must be walking while the report is being filmed – the finished shot must be professional (not shaky!) – hint use a tripod! (+5)

Chatterbox: post ten times to the ENN blog. The post must comment on another person’s story and should be meaningful. (+10)
Editor in Chief: Edit (or help edit) a non-ENN member’s submission (+4)
Guest Reporter: Invite a non-ENN member to join the club for 2 sessions and create a news report together.  (+5)
Helping Hand: teach another ENN member a new skill (+2)

Did you introduce yourself to the audience using your fake name? (+1)
Did you use a tripod so the video is not shaking? (+1)
Does your story have a title? (+1)
Did you export the movie as CD quality without help (+1)
Did you export the movie as Full quality without help (+1)
Did you save both versions onto the USB you handed in? (+1)