Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bonus star point challenge

Watch these videos to see how the reporters of ENN earned 5 all or nothing bonus star points!!

1d) See Justin and Danny go on an MP3 hunt!!

2d) Stephen and Larry talk about their new favourite video game!

3d) Valentina and Sana talk about the ENN club this year!

Jackson's special assignment

Click on this video to see Jackson's super special assignment!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

First Report

1c) Learn about Westlemainia from Crankerboy and John:

2c) Journey to the top of Mount Everest with Larry and Stephen:

3c) It's Cookie Time with Justin and Danny!!

4c) Sarah and Valentina Report on the Uniform:

5c) Sana and Amina talk about the boys Basketball team! 


6c) El Cid reports on the Claremont trip!!

7c) Watch the investigative report about the state of the girls' washroom by Ebby and Katrina